"Warner Bros estimates that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 took in $A157.75 million domestically from Friday to Sunday. That beats the previous best opening weekend of $A148.2 million, also held by Warner Bros for 2008's Batman blockbuster The Dark Knight."
Deathly Hallows: Part 2 is the eighth and final film adapted from JK Rowling's seven novels about the young wizard's indoctrination into a secret world of sorcery and his epic battles with evil conjurer Voldemort. Cast more than a decade ago at ages 10 and 11 as Harry and his pals Hermione and Ron, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint became instant celebrities.(theaustralian.com.au)
I belong to the "Potter Generation." I was only 11 when the first movie came out back in 2001, and back then, my old school would prohibit us from bringing copies of the first 4 books in our mini-library as it talks about magic spells & vengeance. 10 years, 7 books and 8 movies later, I can say that I've stuck with Harry Potter, until the very end. But I don't claim to be the biggest fan, but one thing's for sure: this film has definitely made a mark in my heart, like a lightning-shaped scar.
But I would love to say I have not only grown up with Harry, Ron and Hermione, but I have matured with them, they faced all their fears, and kept their friendship and taught us the values of bravery, logic and intelligence, of love and loyalty to family and friends. Even though there wouldn't be another film to be made, I'll find comfort and happiness in JK Rowling's words that "Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." :')
Deathly Hallows: Part 2 is the eighth and final film adapted from JK Rowling's seven novels about the young wizard's indoctrination into a secret world of sorcery and his epic battles with evil conjurer Voldemort. Cast more than a decade ago at ages 10 and 11 as Harry and his pals Hermione and Ron, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint became instant celebrities.(theaustralian.com.au)
I belong to the "Potter Generation." I was only 11 when the first movie came out back in 2001, and back then, my old school would prohibit us from bringing copies of the first 4 books in our mini-library as it talks about magic spells & vengeance. 10 years, 7 books and 8 movies later, I can say that I've stuck with Harry Potter, until the very end. But I don't claim to be the biggest fan, but one thing's for sure: this film has definitely made a mark in my heart, like a lightning-shaped scar.
But I would love to say I have not only grown up with Harry, Ron and Hermione, but I have matured with them, they faced all their fears, and kept their friendship and taught us the values of bravery, logic and intelligence, of love and loyalty to family and friends. Even though there wouldn't be another film to be made, I'll find comfort and happiness in JK Rowling's words that "Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." :')
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